Sunday, June 14, 2009

Achievement Crafting

Old Title: Games that NEED to be on XBLA or Games that NEED Achievements
Old Title 2: RetroAchievements Brainstorming
Note: Games with a strikethrough already have RA achievement sets.

Dark Eden Prototype

Fatal Rewind/The Killing Game Show

Gadget Twins

Marathon/Marathon Infinity

Phantasy Star Online

Seaboy Prototype

Segapede Prototype

Septerra Core

Toejam and Earl

Vapor Trail/Kuuga (Sega Genesis/Megadrive)

Toy Commander Special Demo Subset

Wiz N Liz

Many of the games on this list now have actual achievements in some way, shape, or form. The ones on this list with strikethroughs are ones that have already had sets made on one platform or another. They should still link to the original articles though, which I'm still generally proud of writing. Plaintext games on this list are simply there for me to craft sets on eventually; it may or may not ever happen, but they're games I want sets for and I may eventually be bored and/or inspired enough to craft a set. Games that have a strikethrough AND are bolded and italicized are sets that got made, and I helped contribute to their creation. Games that have a strikethrough AND are bolded, italicized, AND in red are sets that I contributed directly on as a developer on I also marked incomplete ones in red if I'm actively developing them on the site.

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