Trash, sea and sun cheevos:
I'm a Jenny girl, in a Jenny world - Clear Sea, trash and sun. 5
Wait...Who's Matt? What Happened to Joey? - Beat the Time Goal for Sea, trash and sun. 5
Plane to sea this Beach is Clean - Clear Sea, trash and sun using only the plane. 5
9 Ball, Corner Pocket - Put the 9 ball on the Pool table upstairs in the upper left corner pocket. 1
Extreminator - collect both powerups for the plane's missiles. 1
Dog Fight - Defeat the other plane above the water. 1
The Call of Duty Ghosts Experience: Attack the fish and marvel at their incredible AI. 1
This Just in: Projector Easter Egg Finally Found! - Turn on the projector. 1
Wasted - Destroy all of the adult beverages. 1
Christmas Mission cheevos:
Mission Complete - Clear Christmas mission. 5
Set Your Own Goals - Beat the Christmas mission in under 3 minutes, 30 seconds. 5
The Second Sega Game With a Jetpack Santa - Beat the Christmas mission using only Santa. Hint: the tank can blow up the fire barrels. 5
Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Toys - Finish the Christmas mission without destroying any enemies. 3
Massive Christmas Dump - Drop all the presents under the tree within 2 seconds. 2
Silent Night - Destroy every toy, even the non hostile ones. 4
They just won't stop - kill 10 roaches and realize they cannot be stopped. 2
Lights Out - turn off all the lights in the house, and shoot the ones that can be destroyed. 1
You're a Mean One - destroy all the Holiday cheer: balloons, tree ornaments, candies, and fruit. 1
General notes:
Time leaderboards for both missions.
Protect against potential issues with the other demos; probably easiest to just disable achievements if anything aside from Toy Commander is selected.
I suspect there may be more Easter eggs, and there's very little documentation of the demo out there (to this day the Wiki article incorrectly names them, as well as saying the American market got both even though we only got the Christmas demo). Debating combining a Christmas mission concept to make room for upgrading the plane's missiles to mirror the Sea, trash and sun cheevo. It makes the "kill everything" Challenge much easier and it would encourage more exploration, but it's a weird inverse of the other demo. On Sea, trash and sun it's extremely easy to kill everything even with no upgrades, so getting the upgrades seems silly (but one is well hidden in a chimney, so that's really neat). Meanwhile, it's fairly difficult to kill everything on the Christmas stage, but you don't have to to finish the stage, so there's little incentive to do so outside of the achievement.
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