Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Achievement Crafting: Sonic Pinball Party

Story Cheevos [Finished]:

Never Stop Chuckling - Beat Knuckles in Story Mode (Unlocks Samba De Amigo table).

15 Million Miles [Tails] Per Hour - Beat Tails in Story Mode (Unlocks Slots table in Casinopolis).

Green Around the Gills, Pink Around the Quills - Beat Amy in Story Mode (Unlocks Bingo table in Casinopolis).

Lucky 7 Metal Heaven - Beat Metal in Story Mode (Unlocks...another Story mission).

Eggs Over Hard - Beat Dr. Eggman in Story Mode (Unlocks...a credits scroll! Congrats!)

Table Cheevos:

I am of two minds when it comes to whether or not we should allow table-specific unlocks in Story Mode or make it Arcade Mode only. The reasoning is that Story Mode will set up specific situations for the player, and that would somewhat trivialize a few of them. In many cases some would be redundant. On the other other hand, they will ultimately be redundant anyway since Story Mode will automatically stop when you hit certain goals, and no single Story session would allow for every Arcade achievement, so to master the set you'd have to engage fully in both modes anyways. I'll leave it up to the dev, but if I was the dev I may put it up to a Discord vote.

Another fly in the ointment is that the in-game high scores are frankly pretty outrageous, especially for Samba (1 billion points on a table with no ball saver, no score multiplier [as far as I'm aware; I'm relearning the table], and disappearing side catchers is brutal. The up tilt button will be your friend in general in this game, but ESPECIALLY on this table, regardless). Because of this, I'm not certain using the in-game scoreboard is a good idea for score threshold achievements. If they were used, I practically guarantee Samba De Amigo's score challenge will stop anyone from mastering this in Hardcore mode (unless there's a score multiplier I'm missing, in which case a perfect song's regular bonus of 2,000,000 would...still be fairly low, relatively speaking).

Sonic Table [WiP, but basically done aside from minigame achievements]:

Tails' Spinball Adventure - change to Tails in the Character Change event.

It Looked so Cute, I Had to Save it - change to Amy in the Character Change event.

Sonic Pinball Party & Knuckles - change to Knuckles in the Character Change event.

Full Blue Circle - change back into Sonic in the Character Change event.

Scrambled Eggman - Defeat Eggman in the EGG event (this is how you move onto the next zone!).

There's no Time to Look Around ! - Activate Multiball.

Whatja Get? - Activate all 3 lights above the bumpers and hit the feature hole, obtaining a random bonus.

Party of One - Activate Jackpot mode with a single ball by hitting the event hole 4 times on a single zone via the "Whatja Get" method.

Extra Extra, Speed All About it! - Get an Extra Ball by hitting the Extra Ball ramp 20 times (the ramp accessible by the upper right flipper [a great way to farm balls]).

They Grow up so Fast - Increase your score multiplier by fully evolving the top Chao.

Chao-abunga - Activate a minigame by hitting the Chao Drive hole 3 times.

Spelling Bee Champion - Spell "SONIC" by activating all of the bottom drain lights.

Neato Neo - Neo Green Hill Zone cleared.

Don't Tell Anyone -Secret Base Zone cleared.

Gambling Problem - Casino Paradise Zone cleared.

You're as Cool as Ice - Ice Mountain Zone cleared.

I'm In Heaven - Angel Island Zone cleared.

Making a Space Omelette - Egg Rocket Zone cleared.

Sonic isn't even in Project X Zone - X-Zone cleared.

Bang, Zoom, Straight to the Moon - Moon Zone cleared. Way to go!

What a Super Session! - Become Super Sonic by collecting 500 rings in one session and beating X-Zone...or by activating RING mode on every Zone up to and including X-Zone? There's conflicting unlock methods online.

[Achievements for collecting certain ring thresholds in a single Rings event (I'd probably go with 25, 50, 75, 100) (kind of like a speed challenge)]

[Character Specific Minigames: there are apparently different minigames associated to whichever character is active when you activate the Chao Drive hole 3 times (the same hole Eggman appears over, but in normal play, right below the evolving Chao hole). It may be fine to just have a single achievement for activating that hole and clearing whatever game it gives you, but in my opinion it'd be cool to have an achievement per minigame clear since they're all different, and as far as I can tell, mostly undocumented (wild for a Sonic game). I'll try and figure them out and leave mini-guides here when I do. If it turns out each character has multiple minigames and said minigames are randomly ordered, I'd opt to just having a single achievement for passing one, instead.]

NiGHTS Table [WiP, but basically done aside from minigame achievements]:

Get Blue Sphe-I MEAN Chips - Activate Blue Chips mode.

Extra Extra, Dream All About it! - Earn an extra ball from hitting the Extra Ball ramp 10 times.

Split Personality Disorder - Activate Multiball.

Getting Loopy - Defeat a boss using only paraloops (hitting the small DRMY ramp doing a quick circle around it).

Knockout! - Defeat a boss using only direct boss hole shots.

Deaths Happen in Threes - Defeat a boss using only the big loop (from the left side).

Spring Hill (the IDEAL) cleared.

[Note: there are no in-game reasons to defeat a boss using only a single damage method; it's just a small set of challenge achievements I thought up and thought might be fun.]

Acrobatic Antics - Activate Acrobat mode by shooting the Pian hole 3 times, spelling FLY.

Professional Acrobat - Activate every acrobatic move in a single Acrobat session [I'll list these later, and depending on difficulty, may alter the achievement to include an entire play session instead of just a single event session.]

AIM for the High Score - Activate Minigame mode by hitting the AIM hole 3 times.

IDEAL - Spring Hill cleared. Take that, Gillwing!

AFFECTION - Splash Garden cleared. Take that, Puffy!

POSSIBILITY - Mystical Woods cleared. Take that, Gulpo!

CONSCIOUSNESS - Frozen Bell cleared. Take that, Clawz!

CONFUTION - Nice spelling, Sega! Soft Museum cleared. Take that, Jackle!

REVIVAL - Stick Canyon cleared. Take that, Reala!

GROWTH - Twin Seeds cleared. Take that, Wizeman!

Overcoming My Nightmares - reach Twin Seeds (activate Blue Chip mode on every level before clearing Stick Canyon to enter [or maybe collect 500 chips who knows?]).

[Like the Sonic Table's minigames, the NiGHTS table's full set of minigames is not well documented, and further research will need to be done to determine if they're completely randomly assigned or follow a pattern. If it's a pattern I'd recommend per-minigame achievements, but if they're random, just any generic successful clear.]

Samba Song Reference Guide [Complete]:

Vamos A Carnival - Maracas both in middle [Medium song to 100%]

Burning Hearts - Maracas both on top [Hard song to 100%]

Dream Dreams - Maracas both on bottom [Pretty easy song to 100%]

We Are Burning Rangers - Right Maraca on top, left in the middle [Easy song to 100%]

Phantasy Star Online - Right Maraca on top, left on bottom [Pretty easy song to 100%]

Can Still See The Light - Left Maraca on top, right in middle [Easy to 100%]

Chu Chu Rocket - Left Maraca on top, right on bottom [Hard to 100% (hard to 90% even, will likely be the toughest rhythm achievement)]

Chu Chu Fever- Left Maraca in middle, right on bottom [Easy to 100%; don't get bored by its repetition]

Mambo De Verano - Right Maraca in middle, left on bottom [Medium to 100%]

Samba De Amigo Table [WiP but basically done; just need score threshold achievements]:

An achievement per song for getting over 90% in the rhythm minigame in FEVER Play Mode. I'd just name the achievements after the songs (see above guide for the correct position to place Poseman in order to play specific songs, as well as the names of the songs [obviously]).

Perfect Play - Get a perfect score on any song in the rhythm minigame in FEVER Play Mode.

Spanish Lesson - Clear the Letter Collection event, triggered by hitting the bumpers 20 times.

How Did Rhythm Pinball Not Take Off? - Get an 'A' rank on any song in Song Play mode. [To play this you have to first light up every ramp light to activate the mode (not the easiest thing in the world), then enter the event hole. The mode itself has the player hitting specific ramps/targets at specific times in the song to score points. It's hard, not very fun, and probably not worth dedicating more than 1 achievement to, in my opinion. It is, however, the most effective way to earn points.]

Que es "Tilt?" - Spell out "FEVER" without hitting the ball with your flippers after launching. [This is a custom-built challenge idea that should be very useful to players. Essentially, the up tilt button can be heavily exploited, not only by bouncing from the left to the right flipper and back again as many times as you like, but it can also be used to gain momentum to the point you can activate the letters in "FEVER" to easily activate the rhythm minigame whenever you feel like.]

[The Samba table is by far the simplest in terms of layouts and gimmicks. Thankfully, the main song gimmick is pretty cool. The collecting letters event could be split up into multiple achievements if desired; there are a few variants of it, all spelling different Samba De Amigo characters' names. I don't think that's necessary, but it could be done.]

Casinopolis Tables:

Roulette Bet Get - Win a bet on the Roulette table.

One Armed Bandit - Win on the Slots table.

That's a Bingo! - Win on the Bingo table.

Other Ideas:

Omochao is my Friend - Listen to all of Omochao's advice for all 3 tables in Tutorial mode.

Shut Up Omochao! - Turn off "Chao Navi" under Options.

What's "Tilt?" - Save a guttering ball by up-tilting with the B button before you lose it (I can make a video tutorial for this advanced technique that comes in VERY handy, especially on Samba, but can be done on any table).

Ring Collector - Save up 1,000 rings/blue chips across all play sessions. [This could have tiers too, if desired].

Tiny Chao Garden:

There's a good chance this will be added to a combined bonus subset with Sonic Advance, etc. For the sake of simply pointing it out, I know that the Chao Ball minigame is specific to Pinball Party, and if I discover anything else specific to this version of TCG, I'll mention it here.


Seems obvious, but they should be restricted to score in Arcade Mode only. There could be some supplemental speedrun leaderboards for the Story missions, though.

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